Before learning anything everyone has a question in their mind "Which are the best books that I should refer for learning?"
1.)Head First Java (By: Kathy Sierra, Bert Bates)
If you are a person who prefers boring dry lectures over stimulating conversations with witty friends then this book is definitely NOT for you. For all the others, welcome to paradise-Head First Java by Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates! This is one programming book you will enjoy reading with all its funny images and captions it may seem to be a joke book, but mind you this book really know what its trying to achieve- make sure its readers learn Java.
- Official website :
2.)Effective Java (By: Joshua Bloch)
Effective Java is one of the best or top Java books and the most enjoyable as well.The book is written by a successful Java developer, Joshua Bloch. The strongest selling point of the book is the over 50 tips and best practices for writing a better JAVA code. The book offers advice on effective coding and it offers an insider insight into design choices that have been made in Sun's JAVA libraries over the years.
-Official website :
3.)Concurrency Practice in Java
(By: Brian Goetz, Tim Peierls, Joshua Bloch, Joseph Bowbeer, David Holmes, Doug Lea)
Java Concurrency in Practice is another marvel from Joshua Bloch, Doug Lea and team.If you want to master JAVA Threading concepts, you should read Java Concurrency in Practice.This is a must-have book because threads are an integral part of the JAVA platform and the use of concurrency for optimized performance is becoming the norm with the use of multi-core.Examples in this book are clear and concise.
-Official website :
4.)Thinking in Java (By: Bruce Eckel)
This award-winning book by Bruce Eckel is designed for those who want to migrate from other object-oriented languages such as C++ to JAVA. The book covers everything there is to know about JAVA and it brings readers up to speed with the latest features of JAVA 2. The book pays particular attention to object design and it covers different APIs in JAVA 2. Some of the notable topics that are covered include object-design basics, JAVA I/O classes, inheritance and polymorphism, deployment to JAR files, object lifetimes, exception handling, and multi-threading and persistence, among others.
5.)Java Puzzlers (By: Joshua Bloch , Neal Gafter)
Java Puzzlers is another worth reading Java book from Joshua Bloch, this time with Neal Gafter.A well-liked option with JAVA students and teachers is Java(TM) Puzzlers.The book by Joshua Bloch, a Jolt Award-winner, has many brainteasers about JAVA coding language and JAVA's core libraries. The book is intended to challenge those who have a working knowledge of the JAVA programming language. The 95 diabolical puzzlers in the book are grouped according to the features employed.
-Official website :
6.)Java:The Complete Reference (By: Herbert Schildt)
In summary, this is a good book, read it, study it, use it as a reference, whatever you decided to do with this book, you will find out it is more than equal to the task.
-Official website :
Other Java ebooks which you can dowload for free :
1. The Java Language Specification , Third Edition
(By : James Gosling, Bill Joy, Guy Steele, Gilad Bracha)
2. Introduction to Programming Using Java , Sixth Edition
(By : David J. Eck)
Download :
(By : Sharon Zakhour, Scott Hommel, Jacob Royal, Isaac Rabinovitch, Tom Risser, Mark Hoeber)
Download :
All of the books I have mentioned above can also be found on google books.You can simply read from there.Google books also have many other books on Java.Click Here.
I hope that you have the answer to all your questions about which book to read.Now take up the book that suits you the best and start reading it.
Best Books for Java - Must Read
Reviewed by shashank
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